Return to POSitive POS SA

07 February 2021

New features

What have we done in the past year?

During the past year we had COVID-19, but we were very busy growing POSitive Point of Sale here at POSitive POS SA. 

Let us look at some of the new features added. Most of these features were requested by you, our loyal customers.

Vexen Payment Integration

With an already integrated Virtual Airtime and Electricity payment service from Vexen it just makes sense to utilise their Payment Gateway for integrated card payments. Vexen Technologies

Bulk Price Update

After lock down retailers had to incur additional cost like sanitizing stations, masks for their staff, etc. The requirement to update all retail prices by a certain percentage lead to the development of this feature.

Online Items

in May last year we brought you POSitive eCommerce online store. However our customers did not want to publish their full stock master file to their online store, thus the requirement to mark only the items you want to publish was added to the stock manager.

Netcash QR Integration

Netcash is a market-leading payment solutions provider to South African businesses and organizations, specialising in Debit Orders, Salary and Creditor payments, Pay Now and Risk Reports. They impact meaningfully on their clients by providing efficient, simple, cost-saving payment services. POSitive POS SA decide to integrate into their QR payment gateway for a contactless payment experience at your tills. See how it works here.

GRV saves file for Import during processing

Most of you have GRV's with a large number of lines. With load shedding in South Africa, how many times did it happen that you were busy capturing a GRV and then halway through the power goes down and you loose everything? Well now in POSitive POS you can start the GRV when the power comes on and once you select the Supplier you can import the items you already captured and just carry on. 

Scale File Integration / Scale Items

We have always been able to sell weight and price embedded barcode items, however whenever a price of a weight embedded item changes the retailer needs to also update the price on the scale using the scale program. Most of the new scales like the Teraoka range of scales are networked and can read files from your POS system to update prices on the scale. Now you can export your scale items to a file to be read by the scale.

Print Logo on Receipts

We can now print your logo on your POS slips, all you need to do is let your graphic designer design a black & white bitmap image of your log and name it Logo.bmp. It should be a maximum of 190 px by 190 px. If you do not have a graphic designer ask your POSitive support person to assist you as part of your version upgrade.

Support 58mm Slip Printer

For everyone that has a 58 mm slip printer instead of a 80 mm slip printer, you can now use it with POSitive POS. Just ask your friendly support person to assist you with the setup.

Allow foreign currency as Tender on Sales 

For our customers in Africa who is allowed to take foreign currency as a payment method on Sales, you can now configure POSitive POS to accept currencies other than your local currency. You will have to ensure to setup the Exchange Rate on a regular basis as the POS will use the dated exchange rate to convert the foreign currency to your local currency at the time of the sale.

Expand Constructed Items in POS Sales Screen

When selling Hamburgers you do not want to see the constructed item (Hamburger) as well it's components in the POS Sales screen, however when you sell a Hamper, a service item constructed of multiple physical items, it is sometimes required to see the components that make up the hamper in the sales screen. This is exactly what we did for you.

Credit Note validates Credit Note #

When you issue a Credit Note for return items and the customer pays with the Credit Note the POS will validate that the Credit Note does exist also that it has not been used before. You can now issue Credit Notes without any risk of fraud.

SnapScan Integration

On our Restaurant Touch POS you can now use SnapScan which will print a QR code on the Slip and your customers can pay using SnapScan.

Merge and Split Tables

When using the Restaurant Touch POS and your sitdown customers wants to join tables or even split the bill so that each person pays their own bull, it can now easily be done.

For an upgrade to be able to use any of the above features, please contact Support to assist you.

POSitive Online Training

New Online Training

POSitive POS SA will be launching it's online training academy on 16 February 2021. The courses will be presented on Tuesdays and Thursdays to have the least impact on your business. We will also be able to schedule training sessions for your company, drop us an email to discuss.

Training sessions will be sold at R 150.00 per session and will be discounted 50% during February. A session may be shared by more than one of your staff members, however there will be practical exercises and thus to get the benefit it is suggested to purchase a session per staff member. 

As part of the online training session you will receive a PDF document with the full lesson material, which you then can use to train your staff.

The first four online courses that will be available are:

  • Basic Cashier Functions
  • Cashup
  • How to do a Stock Take
  • Use POSitive for Butchery Items 
The initial training will be presented by Dawie Martins, General Manager of POSitive POS SA who has more than 20 years experience in Retail and POS Software Solutions.

All courses will follow this structure:
  • Objectives
  • Lesson
  • Follow Me Steps
  • Exercises
  • Questions
Here are the objectives of the four available courses:

To find out more about these online training sessions, please send an email to Support.

We will then send you the schedule as well as how to register for the training session or check out the schedule here.

Customer Testimonial - Molowethu Eastern Cape

e'Molowethu Liquor Store and  Molowethu Cash & Carry  Background: In 2008  Paulo Agriao started using POSitive Point of Sale from th...